
Social Bookmarking

Is it really everything it’s made out to be?

If you run a website, you already have an idea of the adrenalin rush that web masters feel when they open their web page and see a sudden explosion in the number of hits their page landed. You open your inbox and there is a clump of messages clamoring for attention. “Delighted' does not nearly explain the feeling. I mean, how do you feel when you're almost dead sure that there's a pot of gold waiting for you just around the corner?

Social bookmarking is one of the most potent types of Web 2.0 software used to build traffic to your website. I am talking about serious web traffic, the kind that registers hundreds of new visitors and a couple of thousands of repeat visitors every day. Yes, with social bookmarking, this scenario is more than doable.

So, let us get you started on the social bookmarking gig right away.

First, what is it? Remember when you read a book and you particularly liked a line or paragraph? You bookmarked it so you could come back to it again and again. That is what social bookmarking is. You visit a site and discover that the content there is head and shoulders above the rest. You want to come back to it time and again, so you ‘bookmark' the site. Obviously, the more bookmarks a website earns, the more visited it will be.

So, how does social bookmarking work?

This technology puts YOU in the driver's seat. You select the website you want to promote and bookmark it using a social bookmarking website. This gives you an automatic backlink. Then, you go on to add tags to your listing. Every tag earns you a link. That could mean as many as 10-15 backlinks for every social bookmarking site you use. Suppose you were using 8 bookmarking sites, how much traffic would you be attracting?

By providing intelligent content, you give your visitors added reasons to come to you. But, your work does not end there. You are really not joining these websites so you can help visitors bookmark you by accident .

You have to take control of the action. Visit these sites and scout around for posts that interest you or pertain to your niche. Bookmark these posts and add a comment. This single step can boost your traffic immensely.

Imagine what happens when you bookmark three websites as your favorites and they bookmark you in return; and each of you comments on the others' posts! You will soon amass a network of active links. And don't we know that search engines simply love active links?

Certain social bookmarking sites become favorites with search engines, meaning that the links they feature will get more rankings than others. These are the ones that the internet marketing software program target.

So you see, social bookmarking is the best way to create hot internet buzz around your product or service. It is the surest way to get noticed. If you do the follow up work and create content that people like, your odds of landing up on the front pages of social bookmarking websites are pretty high. Remember, the higher your ranking, the greater the traffic beating its way to your door.

But before you get too excited, it's only fair to warn you that there is one lethal weapon that can kill your web presence. It's called spamming and of course, you've heard of it!

The biggest mistake you can make is to create your bookmarks for the search engines and not for the people reading it. Social bookmarking is for the entire community of readers to enjoy and benefit from. Nobody likes someone who is just there for the adverts or backlinks. And remember, people are voting for you (or against you) all the time.

Now that you know how important it is to bookmark your website, I guess you're going to get busy doing just that. But wait a minute.

There are too many bookmarking websites out there and bookmarking each page of your website on each of these sites could literally burn you from both sides. Fortunately, there are some submission software tools that you should consider using, just so you can be free to do other stuff.

Click here to find out more.

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